The BBO trace is collected from one of the largest bridge sites (Bridge Base Online) in the world, where people can play bridge online for free. For each match, a number of attributes are included, such as player ids, teams, the start time,  results, etc.

Download trace

GTA-T6 [296MB]


Alexandru Iosup, the PDS group, TU Delft. (contact)

Copyright note

The trace GTA-T6 was collected by the PDS group, TU Delft. To use this trace, you must include an acknowledgment to the source of the data in any published material that refers to the data. Please also consider referring to the Game Trace Archive.


Research work using this trace

1. Y. Guo and A. Iosup, The Game Trace Archive. The 11th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games (NetGames 2012).

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